AquaEnergy System
The Wientjens AquaEnergy System is a hot water buffer system that helps you easily manage process water demand peaks in your laundry.

Capacity: range from 2000 to 5000 liters
Temperature: up to 85°C
Water flow: up to 120 m3/hour
Laundry applications
Important specifications
All commercial laundries
Various external energy sources possible
Return on Investment
Typically less than 2 years
AquaEnergy System Features
The Wientjens AquaEnergy System allows you optimally manage demand for hot (filtrate) water in your process.
Water feed to washers
The AquaEnergy System feeds water automatically to one or multiple washers, as required
High performance
Premium thermal insulation means that the AquaEnergy System has low standing heat losses
Control options
The AquaEnergy System can connect with multiple energy supply sources. Intelligent controls can be set to obtain optimum use of all sources. Temperature zoning ensures a constant buffer water temperature even while large washer extractors are being filled.
Big Benefits
Hot water available on demand
A store of hot water for your process means there is always hot water available for your process. Peaks in hot water demand are no longer a headache, you’ll have new flexibility.
Cost effective hot water buffer
The AquaEnergy System is robust, low maintenance and highly reliable. Along with low standing heat losses and flexibility of energy sources, this makes it the smart and cost effective way to ensure you can always have hot water available when you need it.
Upgrades your laundry
The AquaEnergy System allows you to upgrade your laundry’s performance without having to invest in new water heaters. Furthermore, it allows you to make the most of renewable energy or energy recovery, circularity in your laundry.
CO₂ reduction
You will make real, quantifiable steps in CO₂ reduction, the AquaEnergy System Dashboard will give you data and insights on this.
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AquaEnergy System Brochure
Manage hot water supply to your laundry.

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Our AquaEnergy System customers also use
AquaHeater Plus T
The original of our water heaters, high efficiency gas-fired water heater for fresh water up to 70°C, extremely compact, allowing you to install it at the point of demand. Big energy losses from central systems are a thing of the past. Steam-free made easy.
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Heat Exchanger Plus
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